New Portable Technology Device That Can Detect Gluten
New portable technology device was discovered in San Francisco, California that allows consumers to detect gluten in the food instantly.
NIMA produce a product called portable gluten analyzer in California. Their co-founder and chief executive, Shireen Yates said that searching for items with gluten is a difficult task looking at the labels menu of every item it’s like playing Russian roulette.
This device can analyze gluten on any type of food and beverages and classified for gluten products by Food and Drug Administration. The device was designed in San Francisco by a team from MIT, Stanford, Google, and Nike.
“There is still cross-contamination, there is miscommunication, you just never know,” said by Yates quoted by GMA. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in the US alone there are almost 15 million people have food allergies.
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