RIO DE JANEIRO – The organizing committee of Rio 2016 Olympics decided to make a new flags for China. Chinese citizens were demented and complain that the stars on their flags were incorrectly positioned after watching the ceremony on television. Mario Andrada, the games spokesman, said that produced flags was approved by the Chinese prior to production. “You have to be very familiar with the Chinese flag to notice it (the mistake),” he added.

It is a Brazilian company which is producing the flags. Andrada cited the when they get back to the company yesterday, they (the company) where producing a bunch of correct flags to delivered at a short time. The mistakes have been noticed in the ceremony when the flag was raised in the ceremony for the athletes of China who won medals in shooting and swimming events. The complaints rose after the medal ceremonies for the athletes.
The error on the stars of the Chinese flags was first spotted by one of the online fans that protested against the “plot” and said that it was the worst games ever. The Rio officials are not the only one who mistaken the Chinese flag. On Saturday, Channel 7 network on Australia used the Chilean national flag instead of the Chinese national flag.
It is not the first time that national flags was mistaken and displayed in the Olympic game. The North Korean flag was also mistaken when their soccer team walked off the field and the flag of South Korea was mistakenly flashed on the big screen on 2012 in London. The team of North Korea won against the team of Colombia in a score of 2-0. The organizers in London immediately apologized for the mistake.
Flags are not the only thing that is being mistaken. In Copa America, Uruguay players were demented in when the national anthem of Chile was played before their match in Mexico this year.