Temper tantrum condition emotional outburst
Temper tantrum condition emotional outburst is a condition where a person or mostly a child do something unpleasant like screaming, kicking, hitting, inflicting self-injury and much more. Because of anger and emotional distress.
Temper tantrums is an emotional outburst that is usually associated with children. This condition begins around the age of 1 yr old and usually disappear by the age of 4. Tantrums are one of the most common problems in young children.
When tantrum begins at those it is very difficult for the parents to calm their children. Because those early ages of children when they can’t speak yet so you can’t give their sense of need. This is what they called “perfect storms” for tantrums.
Tantrums are sometimes seen as the predictor of a future anti-social behavior of a person. When a child having a tantrum it only last for 30 seconds up to 2 minutes. were the first 30 seconds is the most intense.
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