911 Philippines Works
911 Philippines Works – As announced by President Rodrigo Duterte, the implementation of the emergency hotline, 911 Philippines was been launched starting August 1, 2016, a certain Rosario Juan already proved that it is really working.
The said citizen just couldn’t believe that the said that the national hotline really works. President Duterte first initiated the said emergency hotline in Davao City where he became the mayor before.
911 Hotline was also being used as national emergency response number in countries like the USA and Canada. Now, the Philippines is among them.
Other Filipino citizens can now have an immediate response just like Rosario Juan who experience it a few hours after the launch officially started.
READ ALSO: 911 Philippines Proof: Another Story Proving That The Emergency Hotline Really Works
In her lengthy post on Facebook, Rosario explained that around 12:45 am, a certain man came into the window of her condominium unit whose location was not mentioned, that was several floors above the street. The man, who was then identified as a foreigner, was seen sitting on the balcony of the woman’s condominium.
According to her, the man begged to let him come in as he ‘left his keys’ which is unreasonable and impossible. So, she deiced to call the guards and she was told that the man has been caught ‘cheating’ with the other resident on the floor above.
But, as she remembered that 911 Philippines has been launched that day, she immediately tried calling the number and then someone picked up the phone and there she told the operator about filing a complaint.
After an hour, policemen, who confirmed to be told to respond on the situation, came and amazed the complainant on how fast and true that the 911 Philippines really works.
Read the full story of the Rosario Juan proving that 911 Philippines works on the NEXT PAGE.