Best Rock Bands of All Times
A million of rock bands exist in the world over those past decades up to this present time. Since the age of rock and roll era, a lot of people seem to like this kind of genre.
A rock band is a group of musicians consisting of 3-5 members. But usually, has four members. The configuration of a band was composed of a lead guitarist, rhythm guitarist, bassist, drummer, and a vocalist. In some cases rock bands also use keyboard.
The smallest configuration of a band is the trio consisting only of three members but there are also bands that composed of two persons. There’s also a large ensemble of bands with 6-10 members using the orchestra, keyboard, or having a three guitarist.
But there’s only few who can stand the test of time that their music continues to listen to other people. Their music can be considered a timeless music that even on this modern time there’s still a lot of people in this generation is listening to their music.
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