UN Decision: Not Recognized By China

UN decision about the dispute of the West Philippine Sea was not recognized by China.

UN Decision about the case of the West Philippine Sea was finally declared but was not recognized by China. The proceeding to the territorial dispute on the West Philippine Sea or South China Sea was not participated by China.

Not recognized by China
Not recognized by China

The award of the UN Arbitral Tribunal constituted by the Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled that the West Philippine Sea are within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines. But according to the report of the official Xinhua news agency said on Tuesday, the China “does not accept and does not recognize” the United Nations Arbitral Tribunal.

It was already reported before the result came out on Tuesday, July 12, 2016, that the China already claimed particular islands and reefs in South China Sea and takes some steps in safeguarding and protecting it. But now it was declared that the West Philippine Sea was rightfully belongs to the Philippines and not to China.

According to the decision of the United Nations (UN) Arbitral Tribunal that the China has no legal basis to claim historic rights to resources within the sea areas falling within the ‘nine-dash line. UN declared that the certain sea areas are within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines, and have found that none of the features claimed by china was capable of generating an exclusive economic zone.

China rejected the Tribunal as the Ministry of Foreign affair’s of the people, the Peoples Republic of China, Solemnly Declared that the award was null and void and has no binding result, according to a report.

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