IPad As Great Wall Against Holistic Growth

IPad is recently proven unhealthy for children as a recent study conducted suggests.

IPad is one of the most recent gadgets brought to us by the rapid advancement in Science and Technology. This gadget is a tablet computer marketed by Apple Incorporation.

More common than not, the generation of the 80’s and 90’s would often claim that the present generation is really far from who they were and what they do when they were on their young ages.

Further, their claims would go from the choice of food to the hobbies and even to the extent of comparing values.

They would often say that the presentation generation prefer fast food products while they were fond of green veggies when they were on the age, that they would often choose to play outdoors in the afternoon than stay sitting inside the house like the present kids, and many more ‘when I was your age’ lines.

Undeniably, there is really a big difference and they got their own points as well. What the years and the technology have brought us aren’t only changes but also disadvantages on some aspects.

Holistic growth and development is essential. In our case, it’s partly being taken for granted at times like how we are hooked into technology.

Recently, a study posted in Main Online reveals that the use of IPad which is common nowadays, hampers the growth of muscles and bones. It leads them away from developing properly.

According to the study, the kids will have a three times higher possibility of developing their limbs if they will play with real toys rather than just slide, swipe, and touch the screens of their tablets.

According to Leon Straker, a Physiotherapy professor in Australia, children who are fond of using IPads have a lesser movement of limbs and muscles when they play with it even in just a 15-minute playing duration.

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