7 Reasons Why IT Guys Date Better

7 Reasons Why IT Guys Date Better

7 Reasons Why IT Guys Date Better: Tips and facts why they are way better lovers than others. Sorry guys.

7 Reasons Why IT Guys Date Better

It may be something not-so-good for others, or may be stereotypical, but this one is true for some, or to many.

He stimulates you intellectually. Programming and creating codes is a much highly complex thing to do, and it requires the skill to figure out ideas in an abstract way. Being a coder challenges his mind all the time, and will eventually challenge your mind as well. Being in a conversation with him will be more fun and witty, and there will be no shortage of any interesting remarks either.

He is a problem solver. Being a problem-solver is not only a skill, but a mind set as well. Problem solving is an important skill to improve and enhance some aspects in life. Every relationship issue he will be experiencing, he will definitely can surpass it and those obstacles or conflict will he overcome.

He thinks and acts rationally. He is a totally logical person, yes really. He can handle arguments and conflict in a well manner, analyzes very well, and break down a problem without dramas and hold backs.

He is very, very patient. Already given how patient he is because his passion is coding, so it goes with his personal relationships with others. If he likes you, he’ll take more time waiting for you, and will persevere in pursuing you, just to win you over. He will be always there for you, comfort you during down time.

He’ll be loyal to you. Patience comes along with commitment. Any guy who is passionate about something is committed to that “something”, and that would be more special for “someone” he really loves. He would be a loyal partner, trust him.

See also: IT Geeks

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