Veteran journalist Ira Panganiban made headlines after his response to the controversial statement of Manny Pacquiao went viral on Facebook. Radyo Inquirer 990AM anchor Ira Panganiban defended Manny Pacquiao’s statement against the LGBT communities.
The veteran journalist asked through Facebook about “whose the real bigot,” after Manny Pacquiao was targeted by various sectors for the society for his derogatory comments on same-s.. relationship.
Manny Pacquiao’s statement describing the LGBT community who are engaged in same-s.. relationship as “worse than animals,” caught not only the local media’s attention but also the international news media who sensationalized the statement of the Pinoy boxing icon.
According to Ira Panganiban, Manny Pacquiao was just giving his opinion when asked about his views on the said topic but those comments were “a bit of insensitive.” Ira Panganiban noted that the truth really hurts but it was Pacquiao’s opinion.
“But see, he was asked his opinion on public television. It’s not as if Pacquiao was walking around preaching and telling people how to act and what to do. Manny has never been the kind to dictate to people how to be,” he added.
Ira Panganiban also cited the numerous times when people called Pacquiao names and accused him of bad things but “no one heard Pacquiao cry foul.” “He took it like the man that he was and moved on to be a world champion,” he added.
“When the same members of the gay community made fun of him and his mother, Pacquiao took it all in stride. When people blast him for his intelligence, the champ did not get mad, when they called him idiot, he just went and won championships,” added.
But now that the LGBT community dislikes Pacquiao’s opinion, Panganiban said, “they cry like little babies condemning him to high heavens.” Panganiban also noted that the members and supporters of the LGBT just overreacted with the issue and was sensationalized by the media.