Star Cinema, the Kapamilya Channel’s movie outfit has released the uncensored trailer of its newest movie offering featuring Gerald Anderson and Arci Muñoz titled “Always Be My Maybe.” The web-only video showcased how the lead actress performed in some daring scenes not featured in previously released teasers.
Watch the Uncensored Trailer Video of “Always Be My Maybe”:
The movie “Always Be My Maybe” tells the story of a man and woman who are helping each other move on from heartbreak.
The newest Star Cinema offering will also feature Ahron Villena and Kakai on their supporting role with the main characters.
The movie “Always Be My Maybe” was directed by Dan Villegas and will hit cinemas nationwide starting on February 24 a day after the highly anticipated red carpet premiere at the SM Megamall this coming February 23. International screening schedules were also released by ABS-CBN during the past few days.