The newest drama series of the Kapamilya Channel titled “Ningning” featuring one of the most popular child actress of the country, Jana Agoncillo, debuted strongly during its premiere on Monday. The show became the most watched daytime TV program in the Philippines according to data from Kantar Media.
During the July 27, 2015 debut of “Ningning,” the series scored a national TV ratings of 19.9%, which is 11 percentage points higher compared to its rival “The Ryzza Mae Show” of GMA7 with 8.9% national ratings.
The TV Ratings did not only proved the dominance of the show, because the newest morning teleserye of ABS-CBN also conquered social networking sites such as Twitter where the hashtag #Ningning became a nationwide trendig topic during the first day of showing.
The huge success of “Ningning” followed the success of the drama series “Oh My G” which ended on a high note in terms of TV ratings last Friday, July 24, the morning teleserye scored a 16.2% ratings which is higher compared to its rival “The Ryzza Mae Show (9.8%) and “The King’s Doctor (7.5%).
According to the Kapamilya Channel the TV series “Ningning” and “Oh My G” are both under the production of the group that created hit teleseryes such as “Be Careful With My Heart, ” “Pure Love,” and “Dream Dad.”