Together Again: Charice, David Foster Perform on Asia’s Got Talent

Charice and David Foster reunited on stage after three years for the grand finals episode of “Asia’s Got Talent”.


Foster, who sits as judge of the talent search show introduced Charice as a “pride of Asia” with a video showing highlights of her career under the Canadian composer and music producer.

The Filipina international singer stepped into the spotlight of Marina Bay Sands in Singapore wearing a suit and with short hair.

Though she showed a stark contrast of appearance, child held up, the 23-year-old singer proudly presented herself to Asian viewers.

Charice, was packaged as a diva with power ballads as her repertoire, performed Sam Smith’s “Lay Me Down” accompanied by Foster.

Doing away with Whitney Houston hits, Charice delivered a soulful and soft performance.

Foster, 16-time Grammy winner, too Charice under his wing upon endorsement of TV producer Oprah Winfrey.

Since then, Charice went on to headline worldwide tour with Foster and made TV guesting in parts of North America and Europe.

Before their performance, Foster said “She has always had a place in my heart; she will always have a place in my heart” referring to Charice.

Watch their performance here:

H/T: YouTube Video from Asia’s Got Talent.

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