The country’s longest-running drama anthology, Maalaala Mo Kaya (MMK) featuring the second episode of the two-part series on the 44 elite PNP-SAF commando members killed during the botched Mamasapano, Maguindanao operation became the hottest trending topics not only on Twitter Philippines but also worldwide.
The second episode of Fallen 44 dominated the Twitter Trending topic with the hashtag #MMKBrave44 trended worldwide as the MMK episode came to a conclusion on Saturday, May 2, 2015.
This Saturday’s episode of Maalaala Mo Kaya features Ejay Facon who played the role of Police Senior Inspector Rennie Tayrus, who was tagged by his father as a coward while he was growing up.
Ejay Falcon (Inspector Rennie Tayrus) is considered as one of the closest friend of Garry Erana (Coco Martin). Rennie and Garry’s friendshp was strengthened by their dedication and love for the country. They battle against the enemies of the state as they helped each other during the botched Mamasapano operation and t succeed in their mission for the sake of protecting the Filipino people.
The May 2 episode of MMK is under the direction of Garry Javier Fernando and written by Arah Jell Badayos and Benson Logronio and led by business unit head Malou Santos.
During the first episode of the MMK, which was aired last week featured the story of PNP-SAF operative Garry Erana (Coco Martin) and his fiancee, Suzette Tucay (Angel Locsin).