Indonesia: Executions ‘Will Go Ahead As Planned’

Indonesia’s attorney general’s office said Monday that the executions of nine of 10 prisoners on death row will ‘go ahead as planned’ and could take place on Tuesday.

veloso death set(Veloso’s death set. Veloso said she received a letter Saturday telling informing her of her execution. CNNph photo)

The condemned group includes the Filipina Mary Jane Veloso .

Veloso had already talked to her sister Sunday and said that her execution would take place within 72 hours as shared by Edre Olalia, attorney, to CNN.

The convicted Filipina’s attorneys insisted that Veloso was set up by the members of a drug syndicate.

Following the appeal for clemency in Veloso’s case by the Philippine President Benigno Aquino, the attorney general explained that the judicial process is over for Mary Jane’s case.

The second judicial review for Mary Jane was rejected by the Sleman court yesterday.

“We hope that when the Philippine government receives the message, it will understand that this is the legal process in Indonesia”, Tony Spontana, the spokes man for the attorney general’s office also added.

“We are not at war with them; we are at war with our country’s drug problem. We respect our relations with our ASEAN [Association of Southeast Asian Nations] neighbors, but we should also respect the principles of noninterference in each other’s internal affairs,” he explained.

H/T: CNN Philippines

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