In New York, a new research has been found out overturning prevalent suggestions that breast cancer patients should not eat soy foods thus finding long-term consumption of soy foods to reduce the risk of the recurring of the disease.
Study’s lead investigator Leena Hilakivi-Clarke said that the study suggests that it is okay to consume soy foods during the treatment.
Soy-foods or soy-based supplements are often not suggested for breast cancer patients because they could interfere with the anti-estrogen treatment. The previous notion also denoted that soy can stimulate the growth of breast cancer cells.
Breast cancer patients then were advised by oncologists not to eat soy or specifically genistein (an isoflavone).
Hilakivi-Clarke noted that the result about genistein’s goes with its ability to activate anti-tumor immune responses and the expression of immunosuppressive mechanisms may explain why the intake of the soy reduces the recurrence of the breast cancer.
The results of the study were presented at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting 2015, Pennsylvania.
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