The wife of action star Robin Padilla, TV host Mariel Rodriguez has suffered a miscarriage with her very first child with the actor. The news was confirmed to the media by the manager of Mariel’s husband Robin Padilla during an interview on Monday with ABS-CBN. Robin Padilla’s manager Betchay Vidanes made the confirmation to the media.
The confirmation of Mariel Rodriguez suffering from miscarriage was admitted two days after the 30-year-old Rodriguez posted on Instagram cryptic messages about “a turbulent phase in my life.”
During the March 14 post of Mariel Rodriguez on Instagram she was seen apparently crying while inside a car and added with the following caption “Not all days are happy… some days are sad. #byecutiepie”
In another post of the actress and host Mariel Rodriguez she showed two hands clasped, presumably Rodriguez and Padilla’s hand was added with the following caption: “Having a sad day doesn’t mean its the end of the world.”
According to the statement released by Robin Padilla’s manager, Mariel Rodriguez was already eight weeks and three days pregnant when the baby stopped developing, she would have given birth some time in October 2015.
The 45-year-old Robin Padilla on his part stated that his wife Mariel Rodriguez would rather wait to naturally bleed than go to a clinic.