Kapamilya host and actress Toni Gonzaga showed her engagement ring from director Paul Soriano which reportedly costs P2 million according to some reports posted by showbiz writers. Toni Gonzaga revealed during the interview with Umagang Kay Ganda that the 1.5-carat diamond ring was made from Israel.
Watch the Interview Video of Toni Gonzaga on UKG:
According to the 31-year-old Toni Gonzaga the engagement ring given by her soon-to-be husband Paul Soriano is one of her precious gift from the director.
Toni Gonzaga also revealed that Paul Soriano has been wanting to propose to her every year since 2009. However, Toni Gonzaga felt she was not ready at the time.
The actress noted during the time when Paul wanted to propose to her, she could left her mommy and daddy especially her younger sister Alex Gonzaga. She also stated that one of her dream is to work with her ninang, Olivia Lamasan, which she fulfilled when they worked together in the movie “Starting Over Again.”