Facebook is celebrating their ten years anniversary since it was foundation last February 4, 2004, to celebrate its users experience, Facebook & Co. decided to send each and every use a personalized video of your time as Facebook user.
The world’s largest social networking sites and one of the most visited website in the world unveiled a “Look Back” compilation that contains 15 or more of your most-liked photos, statuses, and life events, set to music.
According to Gizmodo, a small team of Facebook engineers spent months of crafting the videos and ensuring that the resources to render hundreds of millions of HD videos were on hand.
Some of the social networks members are expected to receive notification at some point today which will take them to their respective “Look Back” video. You can also go directly to the link provided by Facebook.
Facebook was founded by a former student of Harvard University, Mark Zuckerberg during the year 2004 on his college dorm at the Kirkland House, from there he and his team of young visionaries moved on to Palo Alto, California and formed one of the most successful start-up in the history of computing.
Righ now Facebook has more than 1 billion users worldwide, connecting various nationalities, religious affiliations and races into one world, the Facebook world.
A Sample of a Facebook Look Back: