The recently tagged as the World’s Worst Airport, Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA), is currently facing negative criticism after a local entrepreneur was charged with a total fee of Php 1,230 for overnight parking.
Gino Caparas, a local businessman, had to pay four times his expected amount after he left the country for a vacation in Singapore as Gino Caparas described the airport’s parking lot as “poorly kept, terribly designed, uncovered parking lot with questionable security for 4 days.”
In a status he posted on Facebook, he criticized NAIA and its staff for “very poorly worded and not very visible” notice about the parking fee increase, and for lack of means in order to address his concerns regarding the incident.
“Thank you, Philippines, for giving me the perfect end to my vacation,” Gino Caparas wrote. “And for constantly challenging my beliefs that the Philippines is worth all the trouble. I really want the Philippines to progress, but with all these boneheaded, abusive changes to our own policies, we’re never gonna grow,” Gino Caparas lamented.
The statement of Gino Caparas, a local businessman, has generated simultaneous response and reactions from the netizens online. Some of the p(–foul word(s) removed–)engers of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 1 also attest on the complaint of Caparas.
Gino Caparas, sponsored statement on Facebook: #WorldsWorstAirport
Update: The statement of Gino Caparas may have been deleted. We will update this post once the complaint of Caparas is available.
Quit your whining. Overnight is 300php per day. Did you even bother to mention you would be parking overnight when you got your ticket?
Do you even realize how cheap 300 pesos per day parking at an international airport really is? Thats less than $7USD per day! And its a short walk into the terminal from the parking area.
David this is Philippines and people are not earning USD. its is rightful to complain if the rate was suddenly increase four times the usual rate. i used to park there and leave for vacation for only 50 pesos per night and it was fair. and convenient. It is not reasonable o increase that much for an open air parking lot and may i consider not so safe parking that there are only few security guards on the vicinity.
hey David clown… i’m going to Singapore and stay for 6 days so i need to park my car for 5 nights. could you pay my parking fee since you’re rich and don’t whine about 300peso/night parking fee?
David has a point.
It is the prerogative of the management to set the parking rates within its area of jurisdiction, just as any company can set the price of its products or services. It is up to the customer whether or not to avail of its services or buy its products. This is a free country after all. The only thing is that the management should clearly indicate the price it is charging for its products/services.
Second, if you consider that parking is not safe in that area, why would you still park there in the first place? Do you think having to pay only 50 pesos for parking is worth the risk having your car stolen or broken? Again, this is a free country. No one is forcing you to park your car there.
50 pesos per night is convenient. But it is not fair. It is cheap, very cheap. It is “fair” for you because it is advantageous to you. Go around metro manila and tell me where you can avail of such paid parking rates. But for a cash-strapped worst airport in the world that badly needs money to upgrade its facilities, it is not fair. Let’s be objective and call a spade a spade.
If you dont want to park then just get a cab.. or ask someone to drive you to the airport.
The parking will increase soon. Ill make it 500 per day.. and if people are still parking after that after a year I will make it 700 per day.
I give you convenience. You give me money.
The convenience of having or driving your car is much comfortable specially if you have some package to bring. Taking a cab or having someone drive you to the airport is kinda h(removed)le too… Php 300 is way to high when on a mall they are only charging a Php 150 overnight parking… they should have not go beyond the Php 150… what’s the difference between the Php 50 and Php 300 now? Did they have a covered parking? The hell with our Gov’t they just jack up price so that they can have more on their pockets… I am willing to pay Php 300 if the service is same with park n fly… you pay Php 380 something but your vehicle is cleaned, covered and safe… Gov’t should take a study on this and probably be at par with all the parking terminal rates where overnight parking is charge with Php 150. David you should check first how we filipino earn our salaries here we are not paid here on a per hour basis a Php 460 something basic wage for a whole day or 8 hours of work… unlike in US, AUS and other you get paid on per hour with more than what we earn on a per day basis…