Apple iPhone Lost vs. iFone in Trademark Battle

Apple, the world’s leading technology company losses in a cl(–foul word(s) removed–)ic trademark battle against a Mexican software firm, iFone. A court in Mexico City denied the petition to protect the iPhone brand and ruled that iFone had rights to that name.

According to iFone lawyer, Eduardo Gallastegui who stated that it was the third time Apple lost, which demonstrates the legal truth about iFone’s full right to use its brand.

According to some reports, the US technology giant, Apple sued the Mexican company, iFone way back in 2009, demanding that it should stop using the name because phonetic similarities causes confusion among users.

In a ruling by the court in Mexico, the court denied the petition after authorities found out that iFone registered its name in Mexico in 2003, four years before the best-selling iPhone hit the Mexican market.

Some reports stated that a local paper quoted Gallastegui as saying that Apple will have to compensate iFone for using the brand name iPhone.

Apple did not release their official statement yet, regarding the matter.

iPhone Losses to iFone

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