Diamond Planet: 55 Cancri e Discovered by Scientists

Scientists have discovered the existence of a “diamond planet” which is twice the size of Earth and eight times its m(–foul word(s) removed–). This will be the first diamond planet ever discovered.

The diamond planet was not the first diamond planet that was ever discovered, but it is the first found orbiting a sun-like star.

The discovery means that the distant rocky planets can no longer be (–foul word(s) removed–)umed to have the same chemical components as the Earth.

The diamond planet was first observed last year but it was (–foul word(s) removed–)umed to be similar to Earth but after a more detailed analysis, the planet which was dubbed as 55 Cancri e, is vastly different from Earth.

Here’s an AFP photo rendition of the Diamond Planet:


55 Cancri e Diamond Planet


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