Grace Lee sees herself marrying President P-Noy

Grace Lee interviewing P-Noy
Grace Lee interviewing P-Noy

After the controversial dating of Grace Lee and President Benigno Aquino III, it seems like the two is half way to marriage?

According to a report from Ellen Tordesillas’ blog, in a story she made for ‘VERA Files,’ the Korean-born radio and TV personality Grace Lee admitted last Wednesday, in her morning show “Good Times in the Morning” when she was asked by her New York-based co-anchor Mo Twister how long their relationship would last, Grace Lee replied that it’ll be “the full length.”

Needled further on where she expected their dates would lead to, Lee answered, “The altar.” She added, “I’m praying for this.”

Aquino celebrated his birthday on Wednesday, Feb.8, the same day Lee said they were destined for the altar.”

As Yahoo reported, while Aquino asked media to grant him the privacy he said he was entitled to, Lee has been forthcoming in media interviews. She disclosed that she and the President would talk animatedly for three to five hours.

“He’s brilliant, he is the most intelligent man I’ve met in my life,” an obviously smitten Lee enthused, even describing the President as “a walking encyclopedia.”

In an earlier exclusive interview with TV5’s Luchi Cruz-Valdes for the show “Journo,” Lee admitted that the 22-year age difference between them sometimes bothers her. “But the more I get to know him, the less I feel the age difference,” she said.

Asked by Cruz-Valdes if she sees the relationship “pushing through already,” Lee replied, “I don’t think we’re playing around. We’re both not at the age to be playing around.”

Moreover, Lee revealed that the President had offered to provide her security courtesy of a team from the Presidential Security Group and this prompted Presidential Spokesperson Abigail Valte to say the Palace would still have to review whether or not the mandate of the PSG can cover even persons outside the President’s official family.

Grace Lee’s Birthday Wish to President P-Noy


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