The Philippine Tarsier found only in the island of Bohol is known known worldwide as the smallest primate. According to a report posted by the AFP, the tarsier can communicate through ultrasound waves.
In a recent study conducted by a team of American and Filipino scientists lead by Marissa Ramsier of Humboldt State University in California which stated that the tarsier communicates in a range of ultrasound inaudible to predator and prey.
The researchers stated that “Tarsius syrichta can hear and emit sounds at a frequency that effectively gives it a private channel for issuing warnings or ferreting out crickets for a nighttime snack.” AFP stated on its report.
Tarsier is able to sound a silent alarm. The nocturnal mammals were able to communicate in ultrasonic ranges filters out all the low-frequency “noise” and hubbub of a tropical environment.
After the research were conducted the mammals were return to their habitats and no animals were harm during the research and experiments.