A technology inspired announcement recently surfaced saying that the International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) issued their yearly 5 in 5 list. This aims to give detail regarding how IBM foresees the rapid technological development that will change people’s lives in the near future.
IBM placed mobile technology in the 4th rank. The existence of mobile technology is one important thing to be grateful of. Through the continuous improvement of mobile gadgets, information and communication has been a lot easier and faster. Thus, digital divide gradually ceases. Digital divide was coined as the crack caused by the availability of the internet in one’s life.
The digital divide is possibly a big issue in many significant aspects worldwide. At present, the internet is a big advantage to most people who are eager to work, communicate, educate and deal with current events.
According to Kathryn Zickhur, the concern of slow internet connections doesn’t stop people from staying close to their handheld internet providers just to get updated information most of the time.
Most people choose to own smartphones rather than laptop or desktop computers probably because of the level of the gadget’s portability.
Indeed, mobile phones leave people unbroken from access to the internet anywhere at a convenient time plus, in a more convenient manner.
The chief technology officer of IBM named Paul Bloom emphasized that the “peer-to-peer access” can cease the digital divide issue 5 years from now.
With tireless innovation, it is easier to predict that communication and information will be more convenient eliminating the difficulty of information access.
Technology never stops from growing. Few years from now, we will surely see a brand new age of mobile technology.