Man Calls Police 5 Times Over Broken iPhone

broken iPhone of Skopec
broken iPhone of Skopec

Tell me, if you’ll be calling cops, are you in emergency to do that? Well, I just hope you won’t be calling them because your phone’s broke because certainly that’s not emergency! Car accidents, fires, and robberies are some of the valid reasons one can call the police, but this 48-year-old guy named Michael Alan Skopec allegedly call 9-1-1 of Kendall County Illinois because his iPhone’s not working!

In the first call, you can hear Skopec slurring his speech as he asks the dispatcher why his phone is not working and says he knows it has something to do with Apple. The dispatcher calmly asks him if he has an emergency requiring an ambulance or some type of (–foul word(s) removed–)istance, and he replies no. She then directs him to call the manufacturer of the iPhone. In the second call, Skopec uses NSFW expletives to describe his frustration with his phone not working properly and says he wants to break his phone.

Skopec makes three more 9-1-1 calls, each time getting the same dispatcher who remains calm and at one point attempts to help him troubleshoot by asking if he has the instructions for his iPhone. In her last attempt to help Skopec with his iPhone, the dispatcher suggests he dial “0” to get an operator who may be able to (–foul word(s) removed–)ist him more directly.

But after his final call, police were dispatched to arrest Skopec and charged him with obstructing or resisting a peace officer, which is a misdemeanor.

Some people said that Skopec’s calls are totally ‘hilarious’, others said that he’s ‘an idiot.’

Man Calls Police 5 Times Over Broken iPhone



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