Launched September 20 and after few weeks, Google+ had already earned 40 million members.
This was the news broke by Larry Page, Google’s Chief Executive and Co-Founder. Google+ was the newest installment of Google, the world’s leading search giant as it dares to set a challenge for Facebook.
Facebook, currently had been the leading social networking site with members in approximated more than 700 million globally.
Based on reports, billions of digital photos were already shared and kept in Google+.
Way back June, Google+ had already been out for test basis for further innovations as it became open to chosen people in selected areas.
One of the key features of Google+ in its attempt to be as competitive to Facebook was its “hang-out” features which gave people and users the opportunity to chat and to establish interaction among group people in just one time.
Upon stating the news during the earnings conference call, Page wanted to express it out that having 40 million members on the starting days of Google+ was something “incredible.”
He further expressed that Google+ would only be the starting point for many changes that would transpire in the coming years.
By saying so, it could be sense that as the competition continues to rise in its full blast, cyber users must look forward for the many changes that will come anytime soon.
40 million is still away to 700 million but for a beginner, it was a good response earned.
Meanwhile, at present, Facebook headed by its founder Mark Zuckerberg in the past weeks had been doing also innovations and enhancements for their features and security to keep track on the changes. And like any other changes, it was also welcomed with both thumbs up and thumbs down.
After all, at the end of a competition, it’s not just the parties competing that would eventually savor the taste of downside and the good side, but the third party as well and these were the users – their markets.