Lea Salonga the first Filipina to receive Disney Award

Lea Salonga
Miss Saigon Lea Salonga received Disney award

The Filipina singer actress and Miss Saigon Lea Salonga was the first Filipina to receive recognition as the first Filipina Disney Legend for her exemplary contribution to Disney’ legacy.

Salonga was one among the twelve outstanding talents who have received recognition from Disney Company for her singing contribution as the singing voice of Princess Jasmine in the cartoon movie “Aladin” and Fa Mulan in the film “Mulan” and Mulan 2.

Salonga was also played the role as one of the voices in most popular Disney characters including Ariel in “The Little Mermaid,” Belle in “Beauty and the Beast,” and Princess Tiana in “The Princess and the Frog.”

Salonga received her award during the D23 Expo, a 3-day event intended for all Disney fans all over the world. When the audience rose up to give Salonga a standing ovation, she was move in emotional feelings when she got her award in the middle of the eyes of more than 4,000 people giving her a warm of applause.

Salonga’s achievement became more remarkable for the reason that she raised the Filipino flag during the time when it was not easy for a Filipino to meet the world cl(–foul word(s) removed–) standard to be recognized.

Salonga started her singing recording career at the age of 10. “Small Voice” was her first album in which she received a gold certification.

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