Authorities discover 22 fake Apple stores in one Chinese city

Fake Apple Stores in China
courtesy of BirdAbroad

Twenty-two (22) fake Apple stores were traced in a city in China as a result of the continuous investigation of the authorities related to the existence of unauthorized store which was revealed in a blog.

This was after the news came out of the presence of fake stores which had caught the attention of the world and the Chinese authorities.

BirdAbroad was the whistle blower of the fake stores as the observations were posted in the blog. The blogger was an American currently residing in China. She had discovered the store when she strolled around Kunming.

In response to the spread of the news, authorities especially in Kunming had immediately conducted investigation to the mentioned allegation which gave way for 2 stores to shut down for selling products without licensed.

Earlier searched had found 5 existing fake Apple stores and as stated, 2 were shut down.

The mentioned 22 fake Apple stores had violated the law for it had used Apple’s brand and logo without licensed and legal agreement.

The replica of the fake Apple stores were almost the same to the original and licensed distributor of the product, only then that if the costumer were kin enough to examine the store, the differences will be surely caught.

Based on the blog posted and from the pictures that were circulating the web this past weeks, even the staff of the stores were wearing  the same T-shirt colour as to the real and authentic Apple staff.

Furthermore, the staffs of the fake stores, as observed and according to the blog posted were not aware that they were working on copycat stores and they believed that they were working under Apple.

In a report published earlier, it was said that there were only four authorized Apple stores in China. And no Apple store was established nor situated in Kunming.

Up to this time, it was not yet confirmed if the 22 stores were selling products from Apple distributor or the products came in via grey marketing style.

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