Youtube suspends Lady Gaga’s account

Lady GagaFresh from the success of her shows in Singapore,Lady Gaga’s name is hitting the headline again after her Youtube account was suspended on Thursday.

As internet and technology continually grow, more and more provisions are being implemented to secure the users. With the implementation of various policies, the internet had excuses no one from punishments once they had proved that a violation was committed.

Recently,Lady Gaga is no exception as she had received the price of the mistake she and her group committed when her Youtube account received the suspension notice.

Lady Gaga is one of the biggest names in Youtube for her hits and videos is being watched by millions of her fans globally.

The suspension was the result of the copyright claims. It was Thursday when Lady Gaga’s account was suspended but at the same day, the account went back active.

As read from the notice, it was stated that the suspension was the result of the “multiple or severe violations of Youtube’s copyright policy.”

The tech giant owning Youtube which is Google Inc. had aired no statement regarding the suspension. By looking the Youtube’s policy, an account can only be removed from the said site if it had accumulated three copyright violations.

Lady Gaga owned two accounts in Youtube, the “ladygagaofficial” and the “Vevo.” The site who suffered from suspension was the first mentioned, for Vevo is co-owned by Universal Music Group and Sony Entertainment.

There might be suspension notice but still little monsters are still celebrating because it didn’t took even days for “ladygagaofficial” account to be restored. The said youtube account is managed by Lady Gaga’s camp.

The action imposed by Youtube towards Lady Gaga only shows that each website especially the bigger and popular one are sincere and highly motivated in implementing policies and regulations for the safety of the users.

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