Celebrity Hotel Heiress Paris Hilton is eager to visit the Philippines for her idol Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao. Paris Hilton was just one of the celebrity fans of Manny. She tweeted continuously regarding the fight between Pacquiao and Mosley.
After the game in which Manny won, Paris Hilton was able to got closer to Manny had some conversation together with Manny’s wife Jinky. In her tweeter posting she tweeted her eagerness to visit the Philippines.
Paris Hilton tweeted, “Wow! Such an honor to be brought on stage by Manny & his wife Jinkee after the fight. Can’t wait to visit them when I go to the Phillippines”. With over 3.9 million followers in tweeter, the tweet by Paris Hilton will surely put the Philippine map once again as one of the destinations chosen by celebrities.
The hotel heiress follows up her tweet by saying that “I’m so excited for my trip to the Philippines. I am really looking forward to my newest business endeavor”. With the tweet many people speculates that there’s a possibility of putting another Hilton Hotel to be owned and managed by either Paris or the Pacquiao couple.
Aside from Paris Hilton there were lots of celebrities that tweeted the victory of Manny Pacquiao. One of them was the Brazilian novelist Paulo Coelho, who tweeted “Congratulations Filipinos, Pacquiao rules”. the tweet made it to the top trends in twitter trending.