MTRCB Suspends TV5 Show ‘Willing Willie’ for One Month

Willie Revillame
Willie Revillame on Willing Willie TV5 show

The MTRCB or ‘Movies and Television Review and Cl(–foul word(s) removed–)ification Board’ suspended TV5’s early evening game show “Willing Willie” for a month, inclusive of the three-week voluntary suspension.

The TV show is also on ‘probation’ or ‘on a per episode permit’. It will implement guidelines for treatment of children and will have an internal child ombudsman to implement guidelines.

MTRCB suspension is limited only to the program, and not the host, Willie Revillame. Suspending the TV-host is not in the jurisdiction of the MTRCB, said Jonathan Presquito, chief of the MTRCB legal affairs division.

The network is liable because of their negligence, the decision considered TV5’s admission of liability, said Noel del Prado, chairman of adjudication committee.

MTRCB concern is to protect individual participating the show and if the show violated the charter, Del Prado said. Whether there is crime in the broadcast of the Jan-Jan Suan episode is beyond MTRCB concern.

The probation of the show means every day MTRCB will be giving permit to the program, which will monitor the adherence of the said show to their self-regulatory measures. Deliberation for future offenses will be on a case to case basis.

Duration of probation will depend on the decision of the adjudication committee. The probation is open ended.

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