Bruce Lee: Manny Pacquiao’s Idol and Inspiration

Martial Arts Legend Bruce Lee: Pacquiao's Idol
Manny Learned Bruce Lee's Style By Watching Movies

Bruce Lee the most successful martial artist of all time was Manny Pacquiao’s inspiration. Manny had learned the style without direct contact with the famous Hollywood Star. The only thing that Manny does was he just watched every movies that starred Bruce Lee.

The “Pacman” was able to comprehend the movement and blend it successfully with his boxing stance. The speed, the footwork and the snap, those were the things that he learned from his ultimate idol, the late Bruce Lee.

In an interview conducted by Chino Trinidad he recalls those early days when he was not yet as popular as of now that he just watched and study personally those trademark movements of Bruce Lee. Manny was able to absorbed what he saw on Bruce Lee’s films.

Some followers of Bruce Lee even thinks that the greatest pound-for-boxer Pacquio was a reincarnation of their idol Bruce Lee. Manny on his part did not only follow through the fighting style of Bruce Lee but also he followed the movement of Bruce Lee even the hair-style and his looks during Bruce Lee’s heydays.

Bruce Lee’s student were amazed by the ability of Manny Pacquiao in absorbing the teachings of their Master even without a formal education in Jeet Kune Do, the Martial Arts style that was propagated by Martial Arts Legend Bruce Lee.

Martial Instructor
Lone Filipino student of Bruce Lee

The only Filipino-American who had a direct contact with Bruce Lee and one of the three Martial artists that had been taught and allowed by Bruce to continue his works was Dan Arca Inosanto. Together with Taky Kimura and James Wimm Lee they were delegated by Bruce Lee to continue his Martial Arts.

Dan Inosanto was the trainer of Hollywood actors Denzel Washington ang Bruce Lee’s son, the deceased Brandon Lee.

Manny Pacquio’s acknowledgement of Bruce Lee as his idol was a good indication that the legacy of Bruce Lee’s martial arts was prospering towards greater heights. This will further inspire those students of Bruce Lee and fans of Bruce Lee to see one of the greatest student of all time who learned without direct contact with the master.




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