The pen stealing incident involving Czech President Vaclav Klaus have became a viral video in YouTube. The footage that was posted on YouTube and even reported by reliable network such as the BBC caused abuzz among internet citizens.
President Vaclav Klaus was caught on camera pocketing a pen during a press conference with Chile’s President Sebastian Pinera.
The video that have been posted on YouTube was just a portion of the complete video. After thorough investigation, the succeeding scene which was not posted in YouTube was he put out the pen out of his pocket and sign the contract and finally put back the pen in the box.
“After thorough investigation, the succeeding scene which was not posted in YouTube was he put out the pen out of his pocket and sign the contract and finally put back the pen in the box.”
No he did not. He did not sign any document there and did not return the pen back. The pen was left there after previous conference with Mr. Schwartzenberg, who signed some documents there by this pen.