Senator Loren Legarda Promoting the Bill 2759 to Ban the Use of Plastic Bags

Plastic Bag LitterThe Chair of the Senate Committee on Climate Change, Senator Loren Legarda, proposed a new bill to effectively promote proper waste management here in the Philippines.  This proposal partly aims to prevent environmental problems arising here in our country.

The proposal was filed as Senate Bill No. 2759, which aims to ban the use of non-biodegradable plastic bags in groceries, supermarkets, public markets, restaurants, fast-food chains, and department and retail stores and other similar establishments.

Senator Legarda said that the proposal could help minimize pollution and could also help the country manage its ecological resources more wisely.

Senator Legarda’s proposed penalties for violators of this proposed bill is a fine of P10,000 for the first offense. For the second offense is a fine of P50,000, and a fine of P200,000 with one-year suspension of business permit for the third offense.

“Companies must change their economic mind-set, wasteful production processes and packaging methods—from the use of seemingly cost-effective plastic bags into investing in long-term reusable and recyclable bags which are more sustainable in the long run,” Senator Legarda quoted.

“As the problems of pollution, environmental degradation and severe weather shifts escalate, all sectors of society must act with dispatch. Individuals must make conscious efforts to change our daily routine and practices to produce a positive impact on our environment,” she added.

Another bill has been filed as Senate Bill No. 2749, which also aims to regulate the use of plastic bags and for other purposes to minimize pollution in both land and water. This bill was being filed by Senator Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. and according to him, this will advocate the use of reusable, biodegradable bags made of washable material that is lead-free.

“Through this bill, consumers are encouraged to reduce and eventually eliminate the use of plastic bags, thereby saving the fragile life of the environment,” Senator Marcos said.


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