7 Ways To Quit Smoking

Everything starts in the mind and now is the time to quit smoking.

Smoking is a risk that can be stopped and here are the 7 ways to quit smoking:

1. SET A DATE. Setting date to quit from smoking formalizes the attempt or decision to quit. And while it takes several attempts, the possibility of permanently quitting goes up with each attempt you make. When choosing a date to quit smoking, we must set it on a time when it is ‘less likely to experience’ stress because stress is a major roadblock to any behavioral change.  Mark the quit date on the calendar to stay emotionally and mentally focused.

2. EXPECT TO FEEL MISERABLE AND IRRITABLE. During first few days  after quitting cigarette smoking, feeling of miserable and irritable will be experienced but when we get past the first few days we feel to begin more in control. Determination to quit smoking really plays the big role.

3. REMOVE SMOKING TRIGGERS. Smoking triggers are anything that pushes or entice you to do the cigarette smoking like the smell of the cigarette smoke, spotting an ashtray or anything that reminds them of smoking must be removed.

4. TRY SOME REPLACEMENTS. We can use some medication that can reduce the craving for smoking like Nicotine replacement. We can also keep sugarless gum or hard candy in our pocket and take this during the time when we crave for cigarette.

5. ASK THE DOCTOR ABOUT THE MEDICATIONS BEING APPROVED BY THE FDA TO HELP THE SMOKERS TO QUIT. The two approved drugs that can help quit smoking are Zyban and Chantix. However, to consult the doctor about these medications is still the most important.

6. HAVE A SUPPORT GROUP OR COUNSELING. According to Wolfenden, one way to deal with the stress of quitting cigarette smoking and the increase of odds that we will quit for good — is to consider the group or individual counseling. Smokers trying to quit really need lots of support and encouragement to help handle the inevitable urges to light up. They must do this with their doctors, families, spouses, friends, even employers, to make quitting successful.

7. HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE. Everything starts in the mind and when you believe that you can quit smoking then you can make it.

Let us remember that “Health Is Wealth”.


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