One of the most known university of New Jersey “University of Medicine and Dentistry” has reported that using almonds could actually help in prevention of diabetes type-2 and several heart disease.
Scientists at the university has discovered that diet inclusive of nuts could actually help in prevention of diabetes and it can also treat the preexisting diabetes condition. It can also fight the condition related to overweight and inactivity of physical exercise, it is believed to tackle most cardiovascular problems.
The issue with a diabetes type 2 patient is that they have shortage of insulin or they have insufficient working of liver that makes it able it to utilize the hormone that converts glucose to energy and transmit into cells.
And when diabetes gets uncontrollable, glucose and fatty deposits remain within the blood stream and eventually it starts damaging the vital organs of human body (i.e. eyes, brain, heart).
The latest study showed that a diet rich in almonds may help improve insulin sensitivity and decrease LDL-cholesterol levels in those with pre-diabetes, a condition in which people have blood glucose levels higher than normal but not high enough to be cl(–foul word(s) removed–)ified as diabetes.
So, the current studies have showed that a diet inclusive of almonds may treat the condition of insulin deficiency and decreases Low-density Lipoprotein cholesterol levels in a pre-diabetic patient (and diabetic). Pre-diabetes is a condition which is cl(–foul word(s) removed–)ified under the definition of blood glucose levels being abnormal but still not alarming enough to be categorized as sheer diabetes condition. However, both diabetes and pre-diabetes condition are bad for human health.
And hence the decrease in Low Density Lipoprotein cholesterol levels it automatically improves the condition of a heart patient, as cholesterol levels abnormalities is one of the major risk factor for heart disease.
What more is interested, it has no side-effects (obviously as it is a natural remedy) -it does not worsen already patient with already high blood pressure, neither it worsen a patient with a low blood pressure condition. It just simply effects the cholesterol levels plus making the insulin to work more properly so that i can efficiently convert glucose into energy.
So now you can live a normal healthy life (at least up to 60 %) with no complications of diabetes and heart disease. Chances of angina and hyperglycemia decreases up to 60% or so. Angina is a chest pain that occurs in patient of heart disease, its cl(–foul word(s) removed–)ic symptom is chest pain following by sweating and nausea. And hyperglycemia is a condition that is related to diabetic patient, in which person gets agitated, sweating, dizziness, anxious, blurred vision, frequent urination, and frequent thirst.