Joel Cruz Plans For Four More Kids: Why?

Joel Cruz shared that he has plans of adding more siblingsĀ to his two twins.

Joel Cruz recently shared that he has plans of adding four more children if his mother would permit him to.

Currently, the millionaire owner and president of Aficionado Germany Perfumes has two twins – the four kids are his biological children that were born out of In-Vitro Fertilization as Joel shared once in Phil Star that he could not do it the usual way.

The bachelor shared that they tried to have it here in the Philippines but the procedure went unsuccessful. It was in Moscow that a firm helped him achieved his desire to be a parent of his own biological children.

First, he had a set of twin which he named prince and princess then he went on for another try to get another twin from the same mother with the same process and it went successful.

It cost him millions but the bachelor doesn’t mind it as he loves taking care and having his own children.

In fact, in a recent interview with Push, the Lord of the Scent shared that he has plans of adding more kids if his mother will permit him to have.

Joel even shared that he convinces his mom to allow him as he as well has six more other siblings in the family but he’s the only one who was there for her.

Though still on the planning process, Joel said that he wants to add more four kids. He really wanted someone to take care of him when he gets old.

Considering his status, the man confirmed that not all his riches will go to his children. Further, he shared that he wanted to save his business and he will give it to one of his kids who will possess a potential in handling it.

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