SALN – The Senate released the SALNs of senator in May 2016. The Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees or known as the Republic Act No. 6713 which was passed in February 1989, requiring all public officials to file their SALNs to promote transparent accountability and honorable service in the government.

Misfiled SALNs served as strong evidence of graft and corruption within the 3 branches of government in the Philippine.
What is SALN or the “Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Net worth”?
It is essentially a “declaration of assets (houses, cash in banks, cars, etc), liabilities (debts, loans, etc) of a certain government official which includes financial interests and business of a public official, of his or her spouse, and of his or her unmarried children under 18 years old STILL living in their parent’s household. Based on 1987 Philippine Constitution and Republic Act 6713.
Where and when are SALNs filed?
The declaration of Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Net worth must be filed on three separate occasions. Within 30 days after the resume of office of a public official, on or before April 30 every year, and 30 days within after separation from the office.
Government officials file their SALNs at different offices:
Presidents and vice presidents file their SALNs in the National Office of the Ombudsman.
- Senators and congressmen file at the Secretary of the Senate and Secretary-General of the House of Representatives, respectively.
- House of Representatives, respectively.
- Justices of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and other higher courts file at the Clerk of Court of the Supreme Court.
- Judges of trial courts file at the Court Administrator.
- Members of the cabinet, undersecretaries, heads of government-owned and -controlled corporations (GOCCs) and state universities, and officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (from colonel or naval captain rank) file at the Office of the President.
- Philippines (from colonel or naval captain rank) file at the Office of the President.
- Regional, city and barangay officials of government offices, agencies and GOCCs as well as regional officers of the AFP file at the Deputy Ombudsman.
- All other public officials and employees from central offices file in the Civil Service Commission.
What should SALNs contain?
Public employees or officials are urged to disclose any relatives in governement in the SALNs. Donations, Gifts , inheritance or other property received at no cost must also be listed at their fair market value and (–foul word(s) removed–)sed value.

What if SALN is improperly filed? What will happen?
The failure to declare an asset is a ground for government service dismissal.
Can anyone get a copy of a certain official SALN?
Anyone can request a copy of the SALN including news and media outfits for dissemination of information to the public. However, it is not allowed to use the SALN for commercial purposes or acts vaguely defined as “contrary to morals or public policy.”
How to get a copy of SALN?
You can request through National Ombudsman’s Office or the Civil Service Commission. Just submit a request from, 2 government-issued ID and an authorization letter or Special Power of Attorney for representative.
Is SALN Powerful?
The SALN has been instrumental in bringing even the highest public officials, such as the president and chief justice, down from their positions.