Where’s the Typhoon Yolanda Budget? This Video Will Give us the Numbers.

Bagyong Yolanda is considered as strongest typhoon to make landfall in the Philippines and even dubbed by international news media company as the strongest ever to hit the lands for the past centuries.


Two years after the devastating catastrophe, thousands of victims are still living in temporary shelters and a total of P46 billion have been allocated for “Yolanda” rehabilitation projects in the proposed 2016 Philippine national budget.

The Philippines received billions in cash of foreign aid but the government are still making it hard for the victims to really experience the blessings given by foreign countries intended for them.

PhilStar and UNDF released a video featuring the efforts made by United Nations Development Programme and International and Philippine Red Cross.

There are also reports that thousands of victims are expected this week to march through ground zero and demand accountability from the government regarding its recovery efforts.

Where’s the Bagyong Yolanda Budge?

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