This Jumbo Jet Was Literally Tossed Around Like Paper Airplane But the Pilot Did Something Great.

Travelling by airplane is considered as one of the fastest and safest way to move from one place to another even how far you are. I love travelling by planes but when I saw this terrifying video of a plane that was literally tossed around like a paper plane, I now doubt myself the safety of air travel.


In a video posted on YouTube, travel and airplane enthusiast 17splinter capture a scary moment at the Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, The Netherlands during a severe wind storm.

The brave pilot of a jumbo KLM B777 jet decided to go ahead with the landing despite the severe weather. Although the video seems scary at first, the pilot showcased how experienced he was as he was able to land the huge plane successfully.

The video went viral for the past few days after it was posted on YouTube, garnering more than 5 million views in just three days of posting.

Watch the Viral Video as the Plane was Tossed Like Paper:

H/T: 17splinter

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