Isabelle Daza Explains, Asks Apology for Controversial Post

Following her controversial Instagram post with the hashtag #siqui(–foul word(s) removed–) to which then reacted by Siquijor province Vice Governor, Isabelle Daza issued apology and explanation regarding the post.


Vice Governor Dingdong Avanzado earlier asked Daza to explain her side regarding the hashtag she used in her photos while she was visiting the province.

(Also read: Vice Governor Wants Isabelle Daza to Explain #siqui(–foul word(s) removed–) Post)

Daza then replied to Avanzado’s inquiry if the hashtag is a description of herself and her companion or a judgement to Siquijodnons.

The actress clarified that her post was merely a joke, a “term of endearment” between her and her cousins, and not intended to defend anyone.

She, however, apologized to the people of Siquijor if she has offended anyone with her hashtag.

Meanwhile, Avanzado accepted the explanation and apology even encouraged his constituents to move on from the controversy and instead focus on more important matters.

He also encouraged those who were offended by Daza’s post to accept her apology.

H/T: Chisms

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