Death Toll Raises Pass 1, 400 as Deadly Heat Wave Continues in India

Pass the highways during afternoons, and you will notice a quite India. It is when the true cost of the heat wave has been felt.

As the highest maximum temperature of 47 degrees Celsius recorded Monday in India, the deadly heat wave has already killed more than 1, 424 people in the past few days.

Most people spend time refilling waters while it is free for anyone who needs a drink during a deadly hear wave. They would stop at the water stall every two minutes as the temperature slowly rises towards its peak.


Most typically in mid-to late afternoon, people don’t come out onto the streets as it is too hot.

On Wednesday, Hyderabad had the almost 43 degrees Celsius.

While, millions of people in India are homeless, getting a cooler to feat dehydration or too much heat, remains a struggle.

Chief Secretary of Telangana B.R Meena advised people: “Cover properly, have light color clothes, take umbrella, take care, be in cool area — had they taken such care, this could have been avoided.”

People were advised to avoid going outside between 11 a.m and 4 p.m.

According to the country’s main weather office, India has recorded its highest maximum temperature of 47.6 degree Celsius at Odisha.

While all struggles continue, India hopes as it expect relief in the form of monsoon rains later in the week though country’s agency said another hot spell was likely to follow.

H/T: CNN Philippines; Photo lifted from Google.

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