Quantitative Research: Its Characteristics and Data-Gathering Methods

Quantitative Research

QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH – Below is a guide on the characteristics and data-gathering methods under this research approach. There are two (2) main approaches in doing a research study – the quantitative research and the qualitative research. Each of them has a different set of data-gathering methods and entirely differ from another.

What Is Qualitative Research Design & Its Data Gathering Methods

What Is Qualitative Research

WHAT IS QUALITATIVE RESEARCH – Are you planning to consider a qualitative approach on your research study? Picking the right method and approach to use in a research study is very important. It is one of the factors that can determine the success of your study and your passing from the panel’s scrutiny.

RESEARCH DESIGN: What Is Quantitative, Qualitative Method


RESEARCH DESIGN – Below is a discussion about two (2) of the major designs in research, the qualitative and the quantitative methods. It is important to be able to determine carefully which research design is best suited to your research work. A research is a tough work thus methods must be studied very well to … Read more