LP Spokesperson: Mayor Duterte is No Longer a “Sideshow Joke”

Akbayan Rep. Barry Gutierrez, a spokesperson of Liberal Party (LP) standard-bearer Mar Roxas told reporters at LP’s Balay headquarters in Quezon City that Mayor Rodrigo Duterte is no longer a “sideshow joke,” after the Davao City Mayor dominated the latest SWS and Pulse Asia survey for the Filipinos preferred presidential candidate. Rep. Gutierrez was quoted … Read more

Mayor Rody Duterte Leads the Nationwide 7-Eleven Slurpee Poll

The country’s most popular presidential candidate on social media Mayor Rody Duterte added another crown to his jewels as he leads in a recent mock poll conducted in more than 1,500 Seven Eleven convenience stores nationwide wining more than half of the votes. According to Philippine Seven Corporations management, Mayor Duterte was the preferred candidate … Read more

Pres. Aquino Blasts Mayor Duterte, VP Binay, and Sen. Grace

President Benigno S. Aquino III took the opportunity to attack the three presidential candidates during the proclamation rally of the Liberal Party’s local candidates in the city of Manila. The President speak out against the three presidential candidates, Mayor Rody Duterte, VP Binay and Sen. Grace Poe. Pres. Aquino also endorsed Alfredo Lim for mayor … Read more

Mayor Duterte to VP Binay: Davao City is Not Makati City

The country’s most popular candidate on social media, the tough talking Mayor of Davao City, Mayor Rodrigo Duterte had a strong and direct answer to the allegations thrown at him by the camp of Vice President Jejomar Binay when asked about the issue of misused public funds in Davao City. According to the 70-year-old Mayor … Read more