Two Drunk Men in Videoke Bar Threaten and Punch GRO with Guns

Two Drunk Men in Isabela Hit a GRO in Videoke Bar and Threaten Her Two (2) men allegedly drunk were arrested after hitting and threatening a Guest Relation Officer (GRO) with guns in a videoke bar in Isabela. The two drunk men were arrested after they went arrogant and beat a victim Lovely Ria Ventura, … Read more

8 Arrested in a Videoke Bar in Lucena City for Violating Curfew Hours

8 Curfew Violator Arrested in a Videoke Bar in Lucena City 8 people were arrested inside a videoke bar in Lucena City for defying the strict implementation of quarantine protocols due to COVID-19. According to the report of Inquirer, Police Lt. Colonel Romulo Albacea, Lucena police chief, said they arrested 8 people having a drinking … Read more