Sen. Grace Poe Humbled by by SWS Survey Results Ranking Her at No. 2

Senator Grace Poe said during an exclusive interview with Inquirer that she was “humbled” by the recent Social Weather Station (SWS) survey results which ranked her at the No. 2 spot of possible successor to Pres. Aquino. The first-time Senator ranked second to Vice President Jejomar Binay as the Filipino’s top choice for President in … Read more

Businessman Antonio Tiu Couldn’t Prove Ownership of Controversial Batangas Property (Video)

The alleged dummy of Vice President Jejomar Binay, businessman Antonio Tiu could not prove ownership of the controversial Batangas property which made headlines earlier, according to the Senators and members of the Senate Blue Ribbon subcommittee during the hearing conducted on Wednesday, October 22, 2014. Watch the Video Report of The businessman Antonio Tu … Read more

Pnoy on Philippine Arena’s Inauguration

Recently, President Benigno Aquino III faces controversies that involves issues about Disbursement Acceleration Program (DAP) and low satisfactory ratings on his administration. With his appearance on the inauguration of Ciudad de Victoria of Iglesia ni Cristo, Aquino appealed to his critics to stop casting doubts on his administration. Aquino arrived at about 8:O6 am at … Read more

Binay’s Truce in Zamboanga Denied

Vice President of the Philippines Jejomar Binay applied a truce in Zamboanga City concerning the ongoing ravages between the MNLF and the government forces. Sadly, that truce that Binay believes was denied in the government because of unfair terms and conditions of Nur Misuari, an MNLF leader. Binay said on reports that for the mean … Read more

VP Binay to Remove P200-Million Pork Barrel of his 2014 Budget

The Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines VP Jejomar Binay asked the Senate committee on finance to remove the P200-million pork barrel from his office’s propsed P417-million budget for the 2014 budget. The decision of Vice President Binay on Wednesday, September 11, was hailed by Congressmen and called on the Philippine President to … Read more

Vice Pres. Jejomar Binay’s Childhood Dream is to be a President of the Philippines

Philippine Vice-President

The Philippines second-highest ranking official admitted that his childhood dream is to become the President of the Republic of the Philippines. The revelation was made during an interview conducted by Yahoo News in the office of the Vice-President at the Coconut Palace. The former Mayor of Makati City rose to prominence when he spearheaded the economic achievement … Read more

Official Website of Vice President Binay Attacked by Hackers


Another hacking incident has been reported and this time it was Vice President Binay’s Official website which was targeted by the hackers. The group behind the hacking revealed themselves as the Philker and has sent a message to the OVP’s official website introducing their group. Philker’s said that they are composed of Philippine hackers who … Read more

Vice President Binay Defends the Ongoing Renovation of the Coconut Palace

Coconut Palace

Vice President Jejomar Binay defends the ongoing renovation of the coconut palace which will serve as the official office of the vice president. Many issues are now being thrown to the office of the vice president for spending big amount in renovating the palace which is different from the p(–foul word(s) removed–) order released by … Read more