Ellen DeGeneres: Special Envoy for Global AIDS Awareness

Ellen DeGeneres

Ellen DeGeneres, who popularly known as the host of the famous collective talk show The Ellen DeGeneres Show, was announced by the Obama administration as the AIDS diplomat who will take charge of letting people inform and be aware about the global AIDS epidemic. Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton did not feel in tension of opposites … Read more

US Assured To Depend the Philippines Amidst South China Sea Tension

US Assured Mutual Defense Treaty to defend Philippines against china

The United States had assured the government of the Republic of the Philippines to depend it’s territory amidst tension in the South China Sea. US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that the United States will honor the Mutual Defense Treaty between the Philippines and the United States of America. The US Secretary of State … Read more

Philippines was Congratulated by Hillary Clinton on its Independence Day

Hilary Clinton Congratulated the Philippines on its 113th Independence Day Celebration

This coming June 12, 2011, Philippines will celebrate its 113th independence day and in connection to that, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton congratulated all the Filipinos for this momentous celebration and expressed her support to the campaign in Manila to destroy corruption and reduce poverty. A statement was given by Clinton in behalf of … Read more