Philippines was Congratulated by Hillary Clinton on its Independence Day

Hilary Clinton Congratulated the Philippines on its 113th Independence Day Celebration
Hilary Clinton Congratulated the Philippines on its 113th Independence Day Celebration

This coming June 12, 2011, Philippines will celebrate its 113th independence day and in connection to that, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton congratulated all the Filipinos for this momentous celebration and expressed her support to the campaign in Manila to destroy corruption and reduce poverty.

A statement was given by Clinton in behalf of president Obama congratulating all the Filipino people on the upcoming 113th anniversary of being an independent country.

In her speech, Clinton said that she is happy on the current relationship between the United States and the Philippines and has acknowledged the allies between the two countries since the World War II.

According to her the two countries are now working hand in hand to make a better world as it is the vision that both countries shares. She also gave a compliment to the country saying that the “Philippines is a committed partner on many Issues”.

The US Secretary of State also conveyed its support to the country as it fights against corruption and attains peace and judicial reform to eliminate poverty by the year 2015 as it is being pursued by the Millennium Development Goals.

Clinton said that both countries are now making ways and build a partnership to come up with effective plans to have prosperity in the country and promote a government that is open and transparent around the globe.

She added that by the partnership that two has, they will come up with the plans that could boost the economy of the country and reduce poverty in the future. In her closing statement, Clinton thanked the Philippines for the friendship that it has offered to America and wished for the best in the country in its upcoming Independence day celebration.

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