US Successfully Tests Missile Interception System Amid N. Korea’s Nuclear Threat

Missile Interception System

Missile Interception System Successfully Tested By United States Following North Korea’s ICBM The United States has successfully tested their missile interception system despite the nuclear threat of the North Korea. On Sunday (July 30, 2017), the anti-missile system of the American Forces has been successfully tried despite the North Korea’s threat of a nuclear strike … Read more

US THAAD Missile Defense Moving Towards South Korea

Missile Defense

US THAAD Missile Defense Is Now Moving Towards South Korea The THAAD anti-missile defense system of the U.S military was now heading towards to the planned deployment site in South Korea. On Wednesday (April 26, 2017), Yonhap news agency has reported that U.S military begins moving some parts of their controversial THAAD anti-missile defense system … Read more