Philippines Marks 4 Years Since Super Typhoon Yolanda’s Devastation

Super Typhoon Yolanda’s Devastation

Philippines Marks 4 Years Since Super Typhoon Yolanda’s Devastation In 2013 The Philippines has marked four years since Super Typhoon Yolanda’s devastation, which took thousands of lives and destroyed properties. Super Typhoon Haiyan or locally known as Bagyong Yolanda was considered as one of the deadliest typhoons recorded in the Philippine history, which took thousands … Read more

Super Typhoon “Haiyan” May Hit Philippines on Thursday November 7

International weather forecasters particularly the US National Oceanic and Athmospheric Administration (NOAA) advised the Philippines for an upcoming Super Typhoon that will hit the country on late Thursday, November 7, 2013, or early Friday, November 8, 2013. The US Joint Typhoon Warning Center (JTWC) said Tuesday morning that the cyclone, with an international codename “Haiyan” … Read more